Am 11. Sep, 2003 schw=E4tzte Alan Dayley so: > Well, not having used Debian I may be blowing hot air here, but it > doesn't have the reputation for a newbie distro. Nor can I usually walk This is for the install, which is why they're showing up to the InstallFest= =2E Once installed debian, I believe, has the best features for what newbies need. Maybe having apt-get and similar packages for Red Hat ( or other distros ) will tip the scale. Features I think the distro needs, in no particular order: 1. security only feed 2. easy to use upgrade device that works and automagically gets dependencie= s 3. stable 4. a good desktop environment 1 is important. newbies should only worry about security updates until they're a little more familiar with GNU/Linux. It would be best if we could have a way to automagically get and install security updates. Maybe do it via a big red button on their desktop. 2 is important for 1 and is important as they transition to mediumbies or find new packages they want/need. 3 is obviously important :). 4 is also obviously important for newbies. I think it's also good if the distro has a good upgrade path and a track record of that working. The apps not being as stale as the c-rations is also a good thing :). ciao, der.hans --=20 # # "Communications without intelligence is noise; # Intelligence without communications is irrelevant." # Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC