-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Ted Gould wrote: |the color can help with. A developer can just add the option, or they |can look at the source of the problem and make it 'just work' in those |situations. The problem is gnome doesn't just work. The problem is they are trying to "idiot" proof it. Opinions vary. For example I like small clean fonts. My co-worker likes large big fonts. So how does a developer solve this? Medium fonts? Some things you just have to be able to configure. I have no problem with them going to the "just works" principle. They should look at the KDE Control Center. It "just works". |I think that if you talk to people who have switched from Linux to Mac |OS X, they've done it because Mac OS X 'just works'. They don't have to |configure it. You could argue that not allowing the user to change the |setting is treating them as stupid, or you could argue that it's letting |them do better things like they're job :) I agree. Assuming that the defaults let them do their job. In GNOME that wasn't the case. It DIDN'T work. So I guess, all in all, I'd prefer to have my computer 'just work' than |If you'd write up what was happening with GConf and what things you were |having to change on the command line I'd be happy to forward it to the |development lists. Seriously if I had to write it up, it would take weeks. I have submitted numerous bug reports. Frankly the number one reason I switched. I was sick of the developer attitudes around GNOME. End of Story. I was sick of the "we are the superior Gods if you don't like it F*** OFF". I will take my business and donations to someone who doesn't have an attitude. Hello KDE. :) That is not a blanket statement, a lot of GNOME developers are good and I have relationships with. I hope them the best. - -Derek | | --Ted | -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iD8DBQE/SUePHb99+vQX/88RAtx+AJ9ljEOeVqH2vYFrjl5/KQfkA1R3MQCfd57U DYvN2exbyiUAfhh4jqa4KtE= =B/Sl -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----