I have a SPARC 5 that I have put a second NIC into because it will become an internal router for a business that will be the only route point out to the Qwest DSL modem. I have tried and tried to get the SPARC box to talk to the DSL router with no luck. Right now I put all the internal computers on the same subnet until I can get the SPARC box to talk to the DSL router. The problem: I can ping every computer on the network, except the DSL modem. Yet all the other computers can ping the DSL modem. All the other computers are Windows boxes and the SPACR 5 is running Linux 2.2. Has anyone seen this type of problem before or have a clue as to why the SPARC Linux box can not ping the DSL modem, yet all the Windows boxes can? I would like to have the traffic go through the SPARC box so I have a better security point for the business. Thank You, David Demland