Does anyone on the list have a Radeon9000 running with either RedHat9 or Debian (Unstable or Knoppix) with TrueType fonts working? If so, please send me your XF86Config file. :) I am ready to just give up on Linux on my desktop at home after fighting with this piece of crap card for so long or might just go buy an NVidia card to make life easier. Under Debian I was able to run XFree86, but no good font support. I just blew that away with an install of RedHat9 and X is having problems creating a mode that will work with my monitor (Formac Gallery 1740). I have to say I am _extremely_ dissapointed with the state of Linux distributions. It seems that everytime I install a newer version of a distro (RH or MDK), it just gets worse. RH9 comes with a kernel tree that won't even completely build! MDK never upgrades properly and is known to make things unbootable. And while Debian might be wonderfully flexible if you figure out all the magic behind it, after hacking on the kernel for 8-10 hours a day, the last thing I want to do is hack on X11, cups, or postfix config files. I want to install my OS and have it work. One would think that with 10 years to do this, at least one distro would get this right. sigh... /me considers buying a G5 w/OSX... ~Deepak -- Deepak Saxena - - "Waste equals food" - William McDonough & Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle