On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 00:03, MCR wrote: > I kind of found it unnerving to find out that some > companies are paying for the liscense. It seems > atleast they should wait to see what happens with the > law suit. This makes me feel like they are even more > of an extorionist. Once the SCO gets smashed by this > lawsuit I sure that company turns around and sue's SCO > for their liscense fee back. > ------ it would be standard practice for them to include language that would specifically prohibit them from doing that in the license. some view the paying of the license fees pragmatically - as in it will cost me less to pay the license fee than to pay the lawyers to fight it. Others - i.e., Red Hat view it as essential to fight it for philosophical reasons. I suppose that you could step up and pay them your $699/$199 ;-) Craig