I got gnu/debian linux installed after bashing my head against the wall a few time... At this point I am trying to configure X11 and I do not have foggiest clue what kind of video card is installed. None of the writing on the chip matches what the config tool is offering. I am offered: ati fbdev sunbw2 suncg14 suncg3 suncg6 sunffb sunleo suntcx My specs are: Sun sparcstation 20 with 2 125Mhz ross cpu's 288 MB ram a video card that says something about: K36 LSI L1A7625 F5 DBA C483334 MHNNC941 /_\ Any help that is helpful is helpful... Thanks -- .-. =------------------------------ /v\ ----------------------------= Robert Wultsch // \\ robert.wultsch@asu.edu Linux User /( )\ AIM:sheepsleep7 Don't fear the penguins ^^-^^ (602)6927564