I have an OpenOffice original that I "print" to a postscript file th= at=20 looks (in "gv") and prints (via "lp") correctly. I then use "ps2pdf" to=20 convert it to PDF and, in "acroread" and "xpdf" it still looks fine. Prin= ting=20 from OpenOffice of the original, or using "lp" on the postscript file loo= ks=20 great. But when I print ("lp") the PDF version, it looks like all the tex= t is=20 overprinted (in very large point sizes) in the bottom left-hand corner of= the=20 page. My system is RedHat 8.0 and printing is via CUPS (which I think is=20 irrelevent). Other PDFs created via this same path print fine. The "data" is my professional resume which needs to go to prospectiv= e=20 clients and/or employers as PDF: I am hesitant, therefore, to send someth= ing=20 that may or may not be printable. (It looks and prints correctly from a=20 Windows 98 machine, too.) Any clues where I should begin? --=20 Ed Skinner, ed@flat5.net, http://www.flat5.net/