Eric Lee Green said: > On Monday 28 July 2003 07:35 am, wrote: >>> Re: Advice for choosing a distro >>And then install debian. > > Please, no religious wars here. For example, some people depend on > applications that are only available for a particular distribution of > Linux. Telling these people "install debian" is a religious argument, > rather than fact-based advice. I am pretty sure if you have the source code to the application and it's dependencies it pretty much will run on any distribution of Linux. Of course, if you are depending on applications in which you can not obtain the source code and the right to modify it to your needs, you have much bigger issues than which distribution to pick. > Religion is for church, not for computer software. I think it's ok to evangelize products that work well. Though, it is nice to see supporting agrumentation than just, "use foo". That said, religious debates on topics related to GNU/Linux probably belong on this list (as long as they aren't flame wars), certainly they can be no more off topic than SPAM for TecOA or OS X user group meetings. ;) -Derek