On Tuesday 22 July 2003 11:30 am, DARREN BROWN wrote: > I need to burning an 1 GB image onto a DVD that is uncompressed. We ju= st > bought the new Sony firewire external DVD writer, but it only came w/ > software for M$. So, my question to the group is. What software under= RH > 7.3 can I use? I have never done DVD burning under Linux, only CD burn= ing. > =09Using the Pioneer A5 burner, I just fired off cdrecord, which immediat= ely=20 complained that my ISO (created via mkisofs) was too large for a CD and=20 aborted. A quick search found that dvdrecord is an almost exact clone of= =20 cdrecord only with the ISO size limit expanded and a couple other quick=20 changes. mkisofs+dvdrecord makes great backups to DVD of our entire database at th= e 24=20 hours mark via cron. I just leave a blank DVD in the drive and go home. = =20 When I come in in the morning, the drive is ejected and the DVD is ready = for=20 the "Sharpie of Justice". Toughest part of the whole thing was that the first time, I had to "insmo= d=20 ide-scsi" which autodetected the burner and assigned a SCSI ID. After t= hat,=20 I added the command to Grub.=20 That is all under Redhat 8.0. Call me if you have any questions. --=20 Kyle Faber Account Manager EMR Internet kyle@emr.net 623-581-0842 voice 623-582-9499 fax UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and= =20 other countries.