On Sun, Jul 20, 2003 at 09:34:05PM -0700, Emmanuel Gravel wrote: /_I've done a lot of searching over the last couple of weeks. I've found /_Windows software for a Hylafax server, I've found "respond" which is /_supposed to work with sendfax. Because I want to use VOCP on the Linux /_system, I'm pretty much "stuck" with using sendfax. However, I haven't /_found much about "respond" so I'm not quite sure how it's supposed to /_work. /_ /_What I want is the equivalent of printer drivers for Windows, where, /_from any application, you could print the document, it would ask for the /_phone number and a cover page, and send everything to sendfax on the /_Linux box. Does anyone know of any such software? /_ On Hylafax's web site, the following is listed; not sure if this will work. ------------------------------------------------------------------- w2hfax - w2hfax is a versatile HylaFAX client, allowing sending files directly or sending a fax via printer driver; view incoming and outgoing fax; cancel and delete fax from the incoming, outgoing or sent folder; viewing job details; and address books. See http://sourceforge.net/projects/w2hfax/