I was going to do some development using Sybase. The good news is that you can download their developer edition gratis. It seems to be for Red Hat. Too bad I'm running SuSE 8.1 The dependencies are: Need Have kernel 2.4.7-10 2.4.19 glibc 2.2.4-13 2.2.5-184 rpm 4.0.3-1.03 3.0.6 XFree86 4.1.0-3 4.2.0-176 So I rpm the core package for Sybase 12.5 and it immediately complains that it needs kernel 2.4.7 or higher! (??) I visit to fsf.org shows that the current stable linux kernel is 2.4.22 or so. Presumably 2.4.19 > 2.4.7 and should work. Well, it Sybase says its RPM needs rpm-4.0.3 or better, maybe that's it. Time to start looking. Nope. SuSE didn't bundle rpm 4.0.x with 8.1. In fact, searching at SuSE seems to indicate SuSE ain't using rpm-4.0.x nohow. SuSE *likes* rpm-3.0.x. Vigorous Goole searching turns up an rpm for rpm-4.0.x at rpm.org. Naturally, rpm.org only seems to deliver code in rpms. I can't find a tarball. Good, lets download it. More dependencies (argh!). Now I need: #shadow-utils is needed by rpm-4.0.3-7x SuSE *never* uses shadow-utils, they call their functional equivalent 'shadow'. Notes on the web do *not* bode well for installing shadow-utils on a SuSE system. #popt = 1.6.3 is needed by rpm-4.0.3-7x #libpopt.so.0 is needed by rpm-4.0.3-7x SuSE isn't using popt-1.6.3 yet so I go get popt-1.7 and install it from the tarball. It creates /usr/local/lib/libpopt.so.0 as a sym-link to libpopt.so.000. Rpm-4.0.3-7x still can't find it. I tell Yast to remove the old version of popt, damn the dependencies. Some SuSE dependent programs that need popt can no longer find it. It hasn't helped, the Rpm-4.0.3 still can't find popt-1.6.3 or higher. #patch < 2.5 conflicts with rpm-4.0.3-7x I don't know what this means, but I bet it's looking for something peculiar to RedHat. ================= Help sought, comiseration accepted.