This morning my ISP called me and said they'd gotten a nastygram from lawyers about my site , which details (well, detailed) the true story of the whackiest bunch of spammer scammers on the Internet. This letter threatened to file a lawsuit in England against them for "aiding and abetting libel" if they did not immediately remove the site from the Internet. Unfortunately, a) my ISP is a small local business that doesn't have a stable of trained attack lawyers on staff, and b) they do have operations in England and thus can't afford to ignore the threat of an English lawsuit, no matter how unfounded. So while they love spammers about as much as the rest of us do, they could not afford to keep my site up and going. So right now I'm looking for someone who can host the site a) cheaply (free would be great!), and b) who doesn't have operations in England, and c) hates spam enough to ignore nastygrams from spammers threatening to sue them in England (heh). I'd appreciate any help I could get there especially from anti-spam activists, who surely have faced the same problem (spammers threatening libel lawsuits because we call them spammers, sigh). Anyone have some workable solutions? (The site is a flat HTML site, mostly with a few images, only a couple of which are large and none of which are on the front page, about the only special thing is that I need PHP or some other CGI method for a demonstration page where I show how they do one of their scams). This has *NOT* been a good month for me, between my employer laying off their entire U.S. staff, and now this :-(. -- Eric Lee Green Unix/Linux/Storage Software Engineer needs job -- see for resume