Gang, one thing I'd like to bring up. I think all this is happening on way too short notice. Now, I understand why this is so. Much of what is happening with PLUG and AZOTO is very new. We haven't had much time to have any kind of refined processes, booths or otherwise. But for next time, I think an entire year should be invested in preparing for a booth. Or: We should already have a booth ready. Better yet, we should have a Package A booth, Package B booth, Package C booth. A being very big, C being very small, and B being somewhere in the middle. The booth and how it's conducted should be so well refined that we don't have to 'think' about anything, rather fill slots with warm bodies, train the people, and fill slots with equipment. Then the following booth will be iteratively better. Thing is, we probably have the attention of ten thousand people, but for a few short minutes. Like two minutes. Most people at conventions think about covering as much of the floor as possible, only stopping at parts that are interesting to them. You've got to be ready to make it the best two minutes we can; and that kind of thing takes planning. Just something I wanted to say. We won't be able to have such a booth ready by next week, but let's get started on the next booth now with the planning of this one. At the very least, let's have a final booth ready by next year's AZ Tech Expo. --Alexander