Hello Everyone, I am hosting Linux Security classes over the next few weekends that will be held at Kinetic Computing on 29th St. and Bell Road. The topics covered are: Protocol Vulnerabilty Assessment Network Scanning and Reporting Packet Capture and Analysis IP Abuse Prevention, Multi-Layer Access Creating Chrooted Environments for Servers Providing Secured Anonymous and Private Encrypted FTP Services HTTP Vulnerability, weak points Basic attack detection and reporting Remote Notification DDOS and Intrusion Attack Response Techniques Remote Logging Intrusion Detection System Installation Custom Secure Kernel Creation Advanced Iptables Firewalling with Shorewall Transparent Proxy Filtering and Virus Protection RootKit/Worm/Virus Detection Wireless Network Security For more information and registration please visit the course website: http://www.kinetic-computing.com/lsec101 Or send me an email for a complete brochure(pdf). Patrick