This is more of a general Unix question than Linux specific, although one of the three systems involved is a Linux system. The other two are FreeBSD. The question: Now do I get my X environment to carry over when using ssh so that I can run X clients back across the net? Details: o I'm working on a Linux system from home. I have two FreeBSD boxen that are work servers. o When I ssh to one, $DISPLAY is set to something like localhost:15.0. I don't know how that gets set, but it works such that when I run an X client, it shows up on my tube. It seems to change between logins. At the moment it's set to localhost:18.0. o When I ssh to the other server, $DISPLAY is unset, and X clients do not work. o I know about ssh -X host to enable X connection forwarding. Calling it that way doesn't help. No dissertation on the subtleties of Xauthentication et al is required. Just a simple whaddoido to make it work would be sufficient, if you have some clue what factor I might be overlooking. Local expertise (which is considerable) has been exhausted. Thanks. -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ