Ah yes, thank you, I knew I'd forgotten something, Here goes... I'm running libgcc3.0-3.0.4-2mdk, gcc-c++-2.96-0.76mdk, gcc-2.96-0.76mdk, and gcc-cpp-2.96-0.76mdk on Mandrake 8.2 at present. I do not know if all those are relevant but they're some of the things that are on the dependencies list: [root@shredder clib]# ls glibc-2.3.2-5mdk.i586.rpm libstdc++-devel-3.3-7.i386.rpm libstdc++-3.3-7.i386.rpm [root@shredder clib]# rpm -Uvh ./* error: failed dependencies: initscripts < 6.91-18mdk conflicts with glibc-2.3.2-5mdk libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3) is needed by libstdc++-3.3-7 glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales- glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by locales- glibc = 2.2.4 is needed by glibc-devel-2.2.4-25mdk [root@shredder clib]# ------ Is that of any help? <:-) Eric. ======================= >I think that you'll need to tell us a little bit more. For the most >part, you don't want to upgrade your glibc anything but minor versions, >more than that can be a real pain. > >What applications are you trying to run? >What are the errors? >Which distribution are you running? > > --Ted