On Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 11:50:42AM -0700, Voltage Spike wrote: /_On Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 07:47:11AM -0700, David A. Sinck wrote: /_ /_> * the pdf didn't take for me with visible fonts. If this is the case, /_> I'll pub a htmlized version for commenting perusal. /_ /_I see only the HTML version at the moment, but I have run into similar /_problems with TeX (something along the lines of "cannot find Postscript /_Fonts Level III"). /_ /_I believe that the command pdflatex (which should work on a LyX file, /_and I believe LyX can be configured to use it in its GUI) uses a /_fontset more common to all PDF viewers. /_ Because of the initial PDf problem, I replaced everything with HTML. This way, everyone can view the document, and time can be spent on content rather than what format :-) There are five files files there: 1-4: html version in sections 5: single html document v/r -mike