\_ SMTP quoth Thanasis Kinias on 6/12/2003 10:58 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ Greetings, \_ \_ Just to keep things interesting, this morning AOL has begun rejecting e-mail \_ from Cox broadband IP addresses. Here's the message: As an amusing follow up to this, this morning I got mail saying that cox was going to start blocking outbound connections to port 25 in an effort to curtail spam. Retrieval not affected. As far as I can tell, that'll stop the stupid spammers and make life a bit more inconvenient until folks set up some amusing iptable rules or ssh tunnels with a receptive PD server. If you trusted cox to deliver your email in a timely way like you trust them not to hose the DNS, then all you need is a valid resolvabe from address and use pop..cox.net . http://support.cox.net/custsup/email/email_info.shtml http://support.cox.net/custsup/email/settingup.shtml David