Does anyone remember Aztec Freenet? They offer free test-based internet & e-mail service. I still have an account there and check it once a month just to stay current. Aztec has moved from ASU after eight years and now has space thanks to EMR. Aztec is looking for volunteers to help update the system. I don't know if they will offer the Premium service (PPP, Mozilla, etc.) for $100/yr like is offered in Canada. I think for now it's just pine & lynx. Dennis Kibbe ----------------- Here's the e-mail from Nathalie Goss, President, AzTeC Board of Directors. Here is a brief description of what is to be done (overall, and Linux-specific) Everything: SonOS Solaris administation, perl and shell scripts to automate some tasks and off-load others (i.e. write menu so other volunteers can perform simple things like acct. maintenance etc). Other scripts involve clean-up, organizing ready scripts, cleaning up dormant accounts, crontabs for system stats, backup, routine tasks, news etc. Porting FreePort BBS software to current Solaris version; implementing secure SSL POP3 Email alongside FreePort's mr (mail reader) or Pine (Chebucto suite); installing irc (local only) for local chat on AzTeC only and making it work within freeport (should be easy, has been done with older ver. of irc); voted module (so people can vote on things) or develop alternative (www / php / cgi based); Webmail (almost completed); cost-free spam filter implementation in addition to sendmail's built-in abilities; Linux-specific: Chebucto suite is BBS software designed around "lynx -exec" concept (lynx browser and -exec option built in it). It uses Pine for Email, TIN for news + IRC for local or global IRC. You can see functional implementation of Chebucto suite online (as well as some limited documentation - I have more as well as the distribution package). OK. Here is an ouotline of what we need to do: 1. Csuite was developed and ported on RedHat 6.1 distribution, which is quite old. It may work on Redhat 6.2 out-of-the-box so to speak, but newer kernels (2.4x vs. the 2.2x above) have many advantages... So I am thinking along two lines here: best is to try to port and making it work within freeport (should be easy, has been done with older ver. of irc); voted module (so people can vote on things) or develop alternative (www / php / cgi based); Webmail (almost completed); cost-free spam filter implementation in addition to sendmail's built-in abilities; Linux-specific: Chebucto suite is BBS software designed around "lynx -exec" concept (lynx browser and -exec option built in it). It uses Pine for Email, TIN for news + IRC for local or global IRC. You can see functional implementation of Chebucto suite online (as well as some limited documentation - I have more as well as the distribution package). OK. Here is an ouotline of what we need to do: 1. Csuite was developed and ported on RedHat 6.1 distribution, which is quite old. It may work on Redhat 6.2 out-of-the-box so to speak, but newer kernels (2.4x vs. the 2.2x above) have many advantages... So I am thinking along two lines here: best is to try to port Csuite onto a current (RH8) distro - which should be easy because most of the odd-ball modules are not needed (see #2). 2. We can start with RH 6.1 install and a working distribution of Csuite but at the end we should have an integrated suite of otherwise standard applications: Pine, lynx, Tin, IRC plus small overhead to make it work together :) I have set up a development machine on my home network, which right now runs Mandrake 9.0 but will put RH8.0 and RH6.1 and anything else we may need there... multiple boot, and will ensure a serial console server too so you can reboot system etc. ------------------------------------------------- This mail sent through IMP: