Ok, so I decided to bite the bullet and finally get DSL. (Cable internet's not available at my apt.) So I called the friendly folks at Qwest and got hooked up with the ISP of my choice, with a minimum of hassle. But... They wanted to rent me the DSL modem! WTF??? What is this 1975 and I have to rent my phone from the damn phone company? Yeah, it's $5 a month, big deal, but it pissed me off. So I said I had one that a friend gave me. Not a problem for Qwest, they went ahead and completed my order. Then I go to Fry's and CompUSA, and find out that you can't buy a DSL modem! (Well you can get windows USB ones, but I need ethernet out.) WTFx2??? Seems that the phone companies have them locked up. If I can find one this weekend, I won't have to call Qwest and grovel for a rental modem on Monday, hoping that it'll get to me by the time the service is turned on, 4/25, and before I take a weeks vacation on the 28th. So, if anyone know someone that used to have DSL and has a modem laying around, I'm in the market for one. Any help is appreciated, -- C-ya, Jenny