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Don't remember if you were asked this but when you push play on you
cdrom drive, do you get sound then?  If not the the issue is with
a) The sound's input is physically broken and/or
b) The sound card's mixer is not acting right.
This has nothing to to with artsd or esd unless kde's cd player is doing
digital extraction which is what winBLOWS was doing (by default).

On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 10:15, Robert N. Eaton wrote:
> David Huerta wrote:
> >I've had a similar problem in Mandrake 9.0, except I was unable to hear
> >anything but the system bell.
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> >[mailto:plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us] On Behalf Of Robert
> >N. Eaton
> >Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 9:36 AM
> >To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> >Subject: Re: Small but nagging problem
> >
> >Bart Garst wrote:
> >
> > =20
> >
> >>Are you getting any sound at all? Say, from audio files?=20
> >>
> >>Bart
> >>
> >>=20
> >>
> >>   =20
> >>
> >Very good question.  I am getting the startup .wav and the shutdown .wav
> >and, if I had them activated, all the other KDE irritating sounds.
> >I just opened up OpenOffice sound gallery. When I try to play the .wav
> >file I get a nag screen:
> >
> >    Coldn't open audio
> >    Please check that
> >
> >    1.  You have the correct output plugin selected
> >    2.  No other program is blocking the sound card
> >    3.  Your sound card is configured properly
> >
> >Now we're getting somewhere (I think).  The answer to 3 is _Yes_,
> >or, at least, so I imagine.  See above.
> >
> >The answers to 1 and 2 are _I don't know_.  How do I find out???
> >
> >Bob Eaton
> > =20
> >
> Went into Control Center and re-established defaults. Now I can hear .wav
>  files, but _still_ the audio CD player is silent.  My scalp is sore from
> scratching.
> Bob Eaton
> ---------------------------------------------------
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Bryce C <Plug@BryceCo.Net>
CoBryce Communications

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