George, thanks for the tips. Question - to use ldapsearch, do you have to install OpenLADP, or is ldapsearch a standalone tool? Thanks, Scott George Toft wrote: > > -administrative utility to be able to search > MS > > AD for accounts that have not been signed on > for > > a certain period of time, or that have never > been > > signed on (I know this is a long shot, but > > thought I'd ask, just in case. some LDAP tool > or > > something?) > > the ldapsearch command works well: > ldapsearch -Tx -h hostname -b "ou=some > group,o=whatever" -W "cn=Domain > Manager,o=whatever" -w Passw0rd > "modifytimestamp<20030101" > (or similar) . __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!