On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Mike Starke wrote: > Does the average user need to even consider a swap > as large as 512Mb? How often (if at all) is it going > to hit the swap file? Mine never see's the light of day. Maybe. One one workstation, I have 128MB memory (physical). And I still use around 140MB of swap. This is used by two users doing X (one local and one remote) runing web browsers, email clients, numerous rxvt's, etc. > Years ago I had a mail server (PII 300 or something) with about 128Mb > ram and the same on the swap. The swap never saw the light of day. 300 users > on the system too. I guess it depends on what they are doing and using. > Have I missed something in the swap calculation, or is the ole > (swap = ~2x ram) a rough calc only on systems with low ram? When I build software like glibc or qt, I can really use up memory quick. I have several systems that have a full gig of swap (and 768MB to 1 GB of ram). Jeremy C. Reed http://bsd.reedmedia.net/