I am currently enrolled at DeVRY and one of the classes I am taking this semester is Senior Project. The class basically consists of going out to a business (for or not for profit), getting a project that they need to have done, and do it for them, for free of course. One of the problems with this is that the people I am doing this project with have absolutely no experience with linux at all, and therfore this would be a "Non-Linux" project. The project we tried to get was taken, and we are only left with projects that are far too small for a 4 person team. Is there anyone out there that knows of any organization that would need this kind of service? As that I am graduating from school with my BS this semester, it is VERY important I complete this class. The project does not have to be one huge project that will take 4 people 12-13 weeks to do, it can be one or more slammer ones all rolled into one. We just need enough work to last that long. I would be EXTREMELY grateful for any help here, as that we do not have much time to find an organization.