This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0059_01C2E6B2.BD9D3940 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_005A_01C2E6B2.BD9D3940" ------=_NextPart_001_005A_01C2E6B2.BD9D3940 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_002_005B_01C2E6B2.BD9D3940" ------=_NextPart_002_005B_01C2E6B2.BD9D3940 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Heya, I was exchanging Linux tricks with a friend and thought I'd share a few here. Please feel free to reply with your own, if you like. It'd be cool to see how other people are saving time and geeking out. :) Thanks! Steve .BEGIN. If you're still using cd to change directories, for shame! Well, sorta. :) Let me show you something. Let's say that you have a directory like /home/geoff/very/deeply/nested/stuff1 and let's say you have another: /home/geoff/very/deeply/nested/stuff2, right? And let's say you run a new interactive bash shell. How do you get to stuff1 or stuff2 without typing a lot? Put this in your .bash_profile: CDPATH=/home/geoff/very/deeply/nested export CDPATH Then, source the file ( . .bash_profile ) so that it picks up changes. Then, no matter where you are, simply type: cd stuff1 or cd stuff2 and it takes you there. cd always checks anything that you type against the base directories that you define in CDPATH. Cool, hey? :) Now, let's say that you're cd'ing all over the place. That's very inefficient. Instead, use pushd and dirs. But first, add this to your .bash_profile: alias pd='pushd' and source the file again. Anyway, here's what happens: pd /etc pd /home pd /usr pd /var/log/httpd pd /proc Now, type: dirs That's your stack of directories. The top of the stack is near the top of the screen. You can also type dirs -v Say you want to change to a particular directory. Simply say: pd +N where N is 0 (/etc), 1 (/home), 2 (/usr), etc. Once you've done that, type dirs again. See how the directory you've pushed has now become the top of the stack, and you've cd'd into it automagically? In case you ever want to remove a directory, you can use popd +N. That will blow away that particular directory from the stack. You really should never use cd again, unless you're using CDPATH. Always use pd and bash will remember where you've been. Much better than the stateless cd! Note that pushd and popd can also take negative arguments, like -4. The difference between +4 and -4 is that +4 starts counting from the top of the stack (0), whereas -4 starts counting from the bottom (taken as 0). So either way, it will target the fifth element either from the top or the bottom of the stack. Noumenaut Software Steve Jovanovic Director of Engineering 262.632.7755 "And the walls shall have eyes, and the doors shall have ears." - Bowie ------=_NextPart_002_005B_01C2E6B2.BD9D3940 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



I was exchanging Linux tricks with a friend and = thought I’d share a few here. Please feel free to reply with your own, if you like. = It’d be cool to see how other people are saving time and geeking out. :)








If you’re still using cd to change directories, for shame! Well, sorta. = :)


Let me show you = something…


Let’s say that you have a directory like /home/geoff/very/deeply/nested/stuff1 and let’s say you have = another: /home/geoff/very/deeply/nested/stuff2, = right?


And let’s say you run a new interactive bash = shell. How do you get to stuff1 or stuff2 without typing a = lot?


Put this in your .bash_profile:



export<= font size=3D2 face=3DArial> = CDPATH


Then, source the file ( . = .bash_profile ) so that it picks up = changes.


Then, no matter where you are, simply = type:


cd stuff1 or cd stuff2


and it takes you there. cd = always checks anything that you type against the base directories that you define in = CDPATH. Cool, hey? :)


Now, let’s say that you’re cd’ing all over the place. That’s very inefficient. Instead, use pushd and dirs.  But first, add this to your .bash_profile:


alias pd=3D’pushd


and source the file again.


Anyway, here’s what = happens:


pd = /etc

pd = /home

pd /usr

pd /var/log/httpd

pd = /proc


Now, type: dirs


That’s your stack of directories. The top of = the stack is near the top of the screen. You can also type dirs –v


Say you want to change to a particular directory. = Simply say: pd +N where N is 0 (/etc), 1 (/home), 2 = (/usr), etc.


Once you’ve done that, type dirs again. See how the directory you’ve pushed has now become the top = of the stack, and you’ve cd’d into it = automagically?


In case you ever want to remove a directory, you can = use popd +N. That will blow away that particular = directory from the stack.


You really should never use cd again, unless you’re using CDPATH.


Always use pd and bash = will remember where you’ve been. Much better than the stateless cd!


Note that pushd and popd can also take negative arguments, like -4. = The difference between +4 and -4 is that +4 starts counting from the top of = the stack (0), whereas -4 starts counting from the bottom (taken as 0). So = either way, it will target the fifth element either from the top or the bottom = of the stack.





= Steve Jovanovic

= Director of Engineering

= 262.632.7755


"And the walls = shall have eyes, and the doors shall have ears." - = Bowie


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