On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 17:21, tickticker wrote: > I got it up, here's the scoop: > > when installing the first time, at the point where you commit and click next > to actually start the partition formatting and loadin the chosen rpms, it > came back with the error of not being able to copy the install image, perhaps > there wasn't enuff room (there was), so I clicked 'next' again and it worked. > went to create my bood floppy, and it wouldn't create and the floppy list > stayed on. opened the hood and whoever made the server put on the floppy > cable backwards. > > so i had to do it again... no big deal. well, it wouldn't copy the image > again, even on the second or third try, so I did the complete install again, > and again, and again, and again, change partition sizes as I went. No luck. > So I just sat there clicking the final 'next' after the image copy failure, > and on the 7TH(!) time it just worked and it's up! > > Crazy stuff. But the server is up and running, boot floppy made and all. It > reminds me of back when you had to start the install with the 3 boot floppies > and only about 1 out of every 2 would work the first time, but after > repeatedly inserting the same floppy you would succeed. > > anyway, that's this particular headache by the wayside. > ---- The installer reports the errors but on a virtual console (usually ctrl-alt-F2 I think) you can flip among the virtual terminals to get a command shell and to see standard output when installing - that seems to always tell me what is going wrong. Craig