Am 26. Feb, 2003 schw=E4tzte George Toft so: > > And this is one reason hand editing config files is considered a > computer security risk. My typo adversly affected the availability of > their web site to their customers. Tools that have been certified to > produce correct, consistent results are much better. Of course, most > Unix admins shudder at the thought of using GUI tools. > Bah! GUI tools still suck :) In this case, what you needed was a decent format for the config file, a good lint tool and some QA. GUI tools fsck up all the time! If you don't know how things're supposed to work and don't check them, then you don't know if they're working properly. The real solution is having good testing suites and practices. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # HERE LIES LESTER MOORE # SHOT 4 TIMES WITH A .44 # NO LES # NO MOORE # -- tombstone, in Tombstone, AZ