Michael Havens said: > Is someone going to tell me what I need to do to organize the > install-fest or > am I on my own? I saw someone post that University of Phoenix would lend us a facility. I think the starting point is finding out what day they will let us have the facility. Find out how big it is. How many classrooms there are we can use. What kind of amenities are there. This should be a good start. As once we have a 'date' and an idea of facility we can start making concrete plans. Two things that are proverbial gotcha's are not having a solid date/time and not providing proper advance notice. To get swag, volunteers and properly market, you need good lead time. The quicker we know where and when, the sooner we can start assembling and spreading the word. > I think that we should do this install fest where we offer > distributions > rather than just one. And we should probably have demo computers with In the past, basically we offer to install the "common" ones, but will install any distro you bring install media for. -- Derek Neighbors GNU Enterprise