Every kernel I compile (2.4.19, 2.4.20) craps out on boot with tons of these errors: blah blah: Read only file system Procedure to create kernel: make menuconfig make dep make clean make bzImage make modules modules_install make install /boot/grub/menu.lst: gfxmenu (hd0,5)/boot/message color white/blue black/light-gray default 0 timeout 8 title linux kernel (hd0,5)/boot/vmlinuz root=3D/dev/hda6 vga=3D791 initrd (hd0,5)/boot/initrd title mosix kernel (hd0,5)/vmlinuz root=3D/dev/hda6 vga=3D791 initrd (hd0,5)/boot/initrd title windows root (hd0,0) makeactive chainloader +1 title failsafe kernel (hd0,5)/boot/vmlinuz.shipped root=3D/dev/hda6 ide=3Dnodma apm=3D= off acpi=3Doff vga=3Dnormal nosmp maxcpus=3D0 disableapic 3 initrd (hd0,5)/boot/initrd.shipped "make install" puts vmlinuz and System.map in the root dir. This is the 2.4.20 kernel straight from kernel.org. Since I've tried it on different versions, it's obviously me. What am I doing wrong (other than hating kernel compiles)? I've been at this for over 7 hours, and have read numerous web pages telling me how easy it is. BS! George -- = Discover . . . | Free Computer Security Information <=B7=B7=B7> Secure | http://www.georgetoft.com/security Networking | = @http://georgetoft.com | Lock your box - keep your affairs private!