/_ /_I can see from the reponses I got on this /_question that I am obviously missing something. /_How is it sendmail, squirrelmail, and IMP are all /_being recommended to handle (in addition to /_operating as a web-based front end) IMAP/POP /_proxying in front of an Exchange server? How do /_I configure these to proxy POP or IMAP requests? /_(i.e. the user is out on the Internet, with a POP /_or IMAP client, the mail is inside the company, /_on an Exchange server - I want the client to /_connect through our firewall to a Linux box in /_the DMZ that will handle/proxy all the POP/IMAP /_requests between the client and the Exchange /_server inside on the LAN. The reason for this /_config is in order to not have to open the /_Exchange box to direct connects from the /_Internet, for security reasons). If this can be /_done with any regular mail server, my preference /_would be postfix, as I have experience with it. /_Hope this is clear, and thanks again, /_ /_Scott /_ My suggestion had one connecting to an OpenBSD box at port 443 which in turn redirected to a web server (IMP). Why couldn't/wouldn't you do something similar using 110/143 ? Principle is the same, just a matter of juggling some redirection around. Somehow, somewhere, you have to open ports 110/143 on the Exchange. I just think it is a matter of who/what you allow to connect to those ports. Or, am I missing something here? v/r -Mike