I currently keep all of my information in a couple MySQL databases. Everything from contact info, to my own invoice system. I love having everything in one spot. I have written a Perl script to generate a ldif file (by querying the MySQL database) which I initially used to populate my ldap server. What I would like to do/create is a means by which to periodically keep the ldap entries sync'd with what is in the mysql db. Nothing is ever modified in the ldap sever, it is just queried by email clients (Thank you COX for not blocking 389 :) I am just looking for some thoughts on how to keep these sync'd. All of my entries in the ldap server take on the form dn: cn=Contact Name,ou=Addressbook,dc=mydomain,dc=com I wonder if it is just as simple as deleting everything in the ou=Addressbook on down, and then repopulating from a query from MySQL. If so, what is the correct way to do so? v/r -Mike