Michael> remove it and then attempt to add it but the Michael> maCHINE WON'T let me. It says that I have a Michael> group with to similar of a name. I look in Michael> my groups listing and there is a group Michael> called 'downloads' groupdel downloads But first consult the man page for groupdel(8) because there are some minor considerations. Your situation suggests that the original user was removed improperly or incompletely. Most Unix/Linux systems these days are set up to create a group by the same name as the user and make that the new user's default group. If the user's name is simply whacked out of the password file, the group name remains, and you can't create a new user with the same name because the old group name remains. But groupdel, which is not needed often, will get rid of a group for you. -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ