Went to that site, they recommend OMNI version .7+ and RH7 comes with pre-.5.x. Guess you might want to upgrade to either a newer version of Omni, or better yet, upgrade RH to 8.0 as it comes with .7.x http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=omni&submit=Search+...&system=redhat&arch= > I don't know if I need an intro to linux printing or just a push in the > right direction in getting this setup correctly. I've tried RTFM'ing > (till my eyes are sore and several linux books strewn about my desk:) > > RedHat 7 > Epson Stylus Photo 820. > > www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Epson-Stylus_Photo_820 > > says that this is supported and the recommended driver is gimp-print but > does not give any directions on how to use it. > > When I use printtool and test direct to port, I get one line that says > "This text should appear on the printer on /dev/lp0". > When I try ASCII test or PostScript test page I get many pages of random > characters. > > I've got the Epson Stypus Color 800 (which is the closest I found usint > Printtool). > > Can someone either give me a quick rundown on what I need to do or where > I can find good step-by-step directions to get this working? > > My next question will probably be getting my remaining Windows pc's to > print on this printer.