On Thursday 23 January 2003 08:04 am, Bart Garst wrote: > I tested this. > I booted up, started oowriter from the Gnome start menu. > With the splash screen it took 17 seconds. > I disabled the splash screen, rebooted and started oowrite just like > before. Without the splash screen it took 17 seconds. > > Not much of an improvement. Does anybody know how to speed this up in G= nome > 2? Not really. Y'know, app startup speed is one area where I have to admit that Microsof= t is=20 really on the ball. As anybody who has used both Linux and Windows can=20 attest, Windows apps (like IE, Word, Excel, etc) all start up significant= ly=20 faster than Linux apps on the same hardware. I used to always attribute = this=20 to the fact that MS has a habit of "preloading" quite a few libraries int= o=20 memory during system started (and they do). I've changed my tune lately, though, after installing Crossover Office. = This=20 allows me to run some Windows apps natively on Linux. I fully expected t= hat=20 starting, say, Word in Linux would be significantly slower then starting = it=20 in Windows since none of the code is preloaded... but it's not. App star= tup=20 is nearly *identical* in Linux as it is in Windows. For example, on a PIII 700MHz 128M RAM 5400IDE, it takes just FOUR SECOND= S to=20 start up MS Word in Crossover Office. It takes over 24 seconds for=20 OpenOffice Writer to startup. That's 8 times slower! Ah well...