On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Garrett wrote: > 2) Normally the people who are quick to condescend based on someone else's > choice of software are simply inferring that they don't know much about said > software. I take advantage of times like that to familiarize myself with > mail filters and the /ignore feature of most IRC clients. :) > I've been a linux advocate for some time, and most of my friends know I use it quite a bit. Commonly, I'll be asked 'Hey, should I put linux on my machine?' by someone who has only heard of it. My common response is 'What do you plan to do with it?' That generally weeds the genuinely interested parties from the mass of users. Anyone who asks me what distribution I prefer and doesn't ask why when I name something they don't like falls into the category you cite, above. In case anyone is wondering, Debian for servers and workstations, FreeBSD for firewalls, Solaris for production DBs. =) - billn