From page 3-4: "While it has become somewhat trivial to deduce how to parse these documents, it is conceivable that future revisions will lock in their stored document format, much as they have done with the Windows Media Player documents." I would contend the above should be worded "While it is currently possible to deduce how to parse these documents" It is not trivial by any stretch of imagination to deduce how to parse the current MS documents. On page 8 where you say: "Would open source software leave Our company with a shortage of applications? Yes, at present, there doesnt seem to be much in the way of a desktop publishing program that can provide the functionality of a Quark Express and there isnt a database for quick & dirty database files" You might want to mention that on a case by case basis software such as "Quark Express" can be used via VMware so if the package is absolutely required today it can still be used. Cheers, Davidm -- David IS Mandala gpg fingerprint 8932 E7EF CCF5 1B8C 1B5C A92E C678 795E 45B2 D952 Phoenix, AZ (480) 460-7546 HP, (602) 741-1363 CP