On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 12:32, J.Francois wrote: > > Try a google or dmoz search. > > There are quite a few places for Linux consultants to register, > like the Linux-Consultants-HOWTO which has become: > http://tldp.org/LDP/lcg/Consultants-Guide.pdf > or > http://www.thelinuxreview.com/guide/consultants/ > and look under Arizona. > > There are many more than the above listed all over the place. > > Its not a problem finding a backup consultant, the problem is the > wide range of what we/they charge per hour. > ------ Actually, I think that it is more the amount of people available, a single list of people/businesses and the skill sets available. Then of course, there's always the certifications...which we know you are there with brainbench but as useless as MCSE's can be, it is a form of certification. I looked at linuxreview.com and that looked ok but of course there wasn't much in terms of skill sets without drilling down to an individual's own information. Bill Lindley's illogics.com is a start. It is clumsy to move around in and has too few people to be much of an assurance. Anyway, I am disappointed that I only had one person express interest in backup support role for RedHat and he disqualified himself because he is religiously opposed to working on any computer that has sendmail installed. I may end up going debian on this one after all...I'm going to keep my options open on the proposal tomorrow but I wanted to tell them that I had a list of people capable of support besides myself. Looks like this won't get much of a mention. I really think that if Plug had listings for consultants & help with various distro's, daemons & applications that it would be a great impetus towards making linux a viable option for new users. The mail list is great and of course, there are a wide variety of mail lists but sometimes...people just want to call someone and say...handle this for me and I'll pay you or they just need to know that the windows rebooting trick doesn't work here. Craig