Hello All, Background: I am (again) trying to make the switch to linux. I have no serious complaints about XP Pro, save ethical issuses (I hate M$). I am tryng to run Mandrake 9.0. It has been a month and a bit since I last monkeyed around with Linux. My system is as follows AMD 1800+ Abit KG-20 (with PC 97 sound) 256 MB RAM Generic GeForce2 (64 MB) for TV-out S3 Virge for monitor PCTel Winmodem 55+ GB HD DVD drive CD-RW Current Issuses: 1. TV out problems. During installation the TV is displayed output correctly. After the install there is a problem with my Geforce2 is outputing in a non-functional format (PAL perhaps?). What setting do I need to change in X and where can I change them? Also, I have not attempted to run Linux with multiple monitors, I assume this is possible. Is it as easy to set up as in Windows, and if so how? 2. Winmodem Issuses: I have a PCTel Winmodem that is not liking Linux. I have downloded bootleg drivers for my chipset, but during install I get an error which suggests that I need to recompile the kernel. Using step by step instruction from a book (Linux for dummies, circa 1997) I have attempted to recompile the kernel without success. During the compilation (Correct term?) problems do not arise until it hit the portion that deals with Soundcards... The wheels come off at this point. I do not have a clue where to go from here except to try a different distro. 3. There is another person that uses a the computer (my mom, I am 19 and attending ASU) who needs to use Citrix (to check email remotely) on occasion. I would love to not have to dual boot, so is there a version of Citrix for Linux, and if so is what are the lisence issuses? Would any of these issuses be removed by running Redhat 8.0? Thanks all, Rob Wultsch robert.wultsch@asu.edu