>> ERROR 1064 at line 679: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'field(field), gt> I recall having some kind of problem like this. gt> My solution was to put a "use" command at the top gt> of the mysql dump. "use" has nothing to do with it. I had accounted for the need to tell mysql which database to use. As I learned from the mysql email list, the probelm was that more recent versions of MySQL are more picky about using reserved words as column names. One oughtn't use the name "field" as a field name because it's an SQL reserved word. There is a kluge that allows one to get around it. Use -Q (or --quote-names) as mysqldump options and it will quote the names with backticks. Looks weird, but it works. Note that this is an undesireable solution. The name "field" should never have been used in the first place. However, I started working in early October for a company that has a large legacy of data and Perl code in which certain templates are used. We have fields named 'field' in tables through our databases. It would be a tedious, though doable task to fix them all. What is *not* fixable as easily is the 150,000 lines or so of Perl code that creates and manipulates this stuff, or the data itself, in cases where we have columns whose contents consist of lists of field names, some of which may include "field". All that stuff would instantly break for all our clients if we were to start monkeying with it. So although I may be annoyed with the programmer who originally began using the reserved word "field" for column names back when MySQL was not as picky about it, at least I have a viable workaround for now. I also added -Q to the call to mysqldump in my database backup script. Thank you to those who responded. -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ