Any mysql experts out there? I've got a large test database and a recent backup (1 AM last night) made with mysqldump. I've been horsing with the contents of the database using forms, and in the process deleting records. The easiest way to get back where I started is to do a drop database, create database, and then input from the mysqldump backup file. Simple plan, right? Should work, right? This goes in a file: mysqladmin -u rradmin --password=r3g101 drop rrtest2 mysqladmin -u rradmin --password=r3g101 create rrtest2 mysql -u rradmin --password=r3g101 --database=rrtest2 < DATA.sql *BUT* ... Have you ever had the output of mysqldump not work as an input file? Fortunately, I tested this using a different database name first. Here's what I get when i try to run that third line: ERROR 1064 at line 679: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'field(field), KEY type(type), KEY tsrc(tsrc) ) TYPE=MyISAM' at line 10 The table in question looks like this: CREATE TABLE fnames ( field varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', type varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', fieldorder int(4) default '0', longdesc varchar(200) default NULL, required int(1) default '0', tsrc varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', visible int(1) default '0', misc blob, KEY field(field), KEY type(type), KEY tsrc(tsrc) ) TYPE=MyISAM; It's the first KEY definition it doesn't like. If I comment out "KEY field(field)," it works, except of course then the field called 'field' is not set as an index. I suspect some name space pollution here. Perhaps some later version of mysql since this database was originally created came along in which they decided that you shouldn't have a field called 'field', or in which a field called 'field' shouldn't be an index (key). Any insights here? This sort of thing drives me crazy. I'm trying to accomplish some simple testing and am prevented by an increasing stack of sub-problems. -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ