On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 08:50, Mike Starke wrote: > > B. Perhaps an Alias for your image directory might be in order. Something like these two: > > DocumentRoot /var/www/xcart/customer/ > Alias /images /var/www/xcart/customer/images > or > Alias /images /var/www/images (whereever your images are located) > > The first portion of the Alias should be a directory relative to your > document root. > > Or, I suppose you could just create an alias instead of changing the DocumentRoot > > Alias /xcart /var/www/xcart/customer Quick question can you set the Alias directive in a .htaccess file? and if so would I put it in the /xcart example here? so if my URL is http://www.mywebsite.com/ and I really want them to go to http://www.mywebsite.com/dir1/dir2 In my htdocs dir I could create a .htaccess file with an Alias of /DocumentRoot /DocumentRoot/dir1/dir2 ? -- Carl Parrish (cparrish@carlparrish.com) http://www.carlparrish.com --- Registered Linux User #295761 http://counter.li.org