I switched from M$ Windows to linux thinking I would sorta be forced to learn more programming. I have had two college classed in C++ but I have yet to learn how to really "Code" not once in either classes was any serious application programming taught. I need to learn to program desperately. But trying to sit down and page through code is very very boring. When I'm debugging I can spend hours in front of the terminal, same with trying to hack one of my friends programs. But whenever I try to hack/figure out, a complex app I get frustrated because right off the bat the code gets very advanced or is commented in a way only a guru would understand. I have read a few c++ books but they are almost all the same, covering the same thing over and over. Can someone recomend a book or a method to help me to break out of newbie code? I would greatly appreciate it. _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963