George, pardon me for my frustrations. The IRQ and I/O that I posted are what I have to set them to to get it to work. I have NOT moved the cards or even opened the box during the time I have had it up and down. I had put the values in /etc/modules.conf before the last reboot but after I rebooted I found that the values where changed to be identical IRQ and I/O and that they were the values I listed for eth1. The steps I take are to use the ClarkConnect console to set up the proper IRQ and I/O for eth0 and eth1.Then I use vi from the command line on the modules.conf file to verify and/or set them up. I just realized that if changing the configuration using the console is not changing the modules.conf then maybe I have something with the clarkConnect distro causing this problem. Any thoughts on this from someone? Anyway, the last thing I do is to restart my network connection from the ClarkConnect console. Usually after that it is all working. Cliff