There has been some interest expressed on this effort. I should have made it more clear. That the idea is not to rant and rave and send nasty letters, but rather to sufficiently organize and get our message unified. Then actually meet with Senator McCain or represenatives of his office and review in depth the problems with this legislation. The idea here is to educate, not strong arm. This means that anyone who expresses interest will be included on emails to discuss the approaches to take. It will probably require that we meet at least one time in person to get on the same page. I can't stress enough how seriously DRM could impact free software. In essence it could pretty much make it illegal to use free software. I submitted a story to PLUG website so those that might not subscribe to the list but read the website have a chance to see it. Also, there is no 'topic' on the site for legal,activist,political stuff. I think as legislation gets more and more restrictive it will be a more common topic. Perhaps we could add it? Again Thanks To Anyone willing to help in this action. -Derek