> I hope this topic is permissible on the "plug-discussion" list. I am = > looking to acquire an AlphaServer. Not too particular about it so long = > as Tru64 will run on it. Perhaps a DS10/DS10L or other various models = > would suffice. If one can be found with two network adapters that would = > be all the better. 128MB or more RAM is desirable, with CDROM and HDD = > with a few gigs. You might try Ebay if you don't get any response from people here: http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?cgiurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2F&MfcISAPICommand=GetResult&query=alpha&categoryid=&ht=1&category0=160&SortProperty=MetaEndSort&BasicSearch=&from=R2&catref=C3