On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 09:22, Mark Phillips wrote: > I need to rebuild a kernel for an old 486 laptop, but the laptop does not have > enough hard disk space. Can I build the kernel on a Pentium or a SPARC machine > instead and then install it on the 486? The Pentium is running redhat, but I > want to build a debian version of linux (if that is the right way to phrase the > comment...) > > Thanks! > > Mark Phillips > > Yes, it is possible. When you make the kernel (make config or make xconfig), choose for your processor type 486. I wouldn't rebuild the /usr/src/linux kernel though, that is the redhat kernel for your pentium. Instead, get debian's patches to a kernel and build that, or better yet, just download 2.4.20 from kernel.org and build a vanilla, stock kernel.