Appologies for the lack of information about the website, the problem isn't actually a problem it has just taken a lot of time and effort to come up with a definitive solution. On monday the new plug site will enter the beta/commentary phase as some serious changes have been made. Nothing is final and all comments/suggestions/etc are encouraged. The new situation is as follows: The new plug server will live on beautiful new hardware/software (As a vhost) provided by my company 50km Inc. (AndThen Group) It is in a state of the art noc center with redundant backbone connections. It has plenty of up/down stream, redundant DNS (if the plug dns records move to our servers) It has instant failover for hardware. It is based on postnuke with a default theme and hopefully people from the community could/will come up with a unique plug theme. Right now the services are moving to beta stages this week. It looks like we could probably use some help moving the old information into the new postnuke system so if anyone wants to take the lead on this mail me. Reasons why postnuke was selected: 1) Ease of maintenance and update (all plug time is volunteer time, less is more) 2) Ability to better organize and search information 3) Archives of old information 4) Ability to offer sections or topics for individual plug members 5) Ability to grant granular privileges to members for update and content mangement without using generalized ftp/ssh access 6) Automated calendaring features 7) Lower barriers to contribution 8) Provide a supplementary forum to the list with regard to specific projects (forum and comments support) 9) Flexible look and feel thourgh user definable themes 10) Best security of the *nukes 11) These services can be donated to plug by 50km Inc. Sincerely, David Uhlman CTO 50km Inc.