>> Apparently the default in GNOME 2 is to force >> panels to remain on top. Grrr. Does anyone know >> where the option to change that is hidden? Or is >> it not available? daz> dagnabit. i wish I was at home so I could say daz> for definate. however, memory says that if you daz> are taking about the default skinny panel on the daz> top, you cant. The default in Gnome is the "skinny" edge panel across the bottom, not the top. (It can be relocated.) its stuck on top. You have to add daz> a new panel to the bottom, add all the options daz> you want, then delete the top one. ... This description doesn't sound right, nor does it align with my experience. I have second panel to the left and just above the default, a floating panel that contains only a Workspace Switcher. (I deleted the teeny one off the default panel.) This panel, and also a couple of other panels I had defined, remains on top. In fact, I have two drawer panels on the main panel that open vertically, and whatever they cover while open remains underneath. This is not a problem because the only reason those panels are ever open is to click a launcher in one of them, after which it disappears. Apparently all panels remain on top. That stinks. No doubt it will be made configurable eventually. -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ