\_ SMTP quoth Mike Starke on 11/11/2002 15:33 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ /_ \_ /_There's a couple of possible solutions, depending on how many fields \_ /_have :-dirty data, but without samples, I'm not going to go into \_ /_whatifs. :-) \_ /_ \_ \_ David: \_ Here is a sample, however, since these values are obtained from a web form \_ (and I can not change the delimeter), there is no telling which field may \_ contain the same value as the delimeter. However, there is a fixed amount of fields. \_ \_ mike@megconsult.vom:mikest:meg@lilly.csoft.net:Mike:Starke::::::::::Phoenix:Arizona:85050:::::::::::::com576:1/31/2001::602.992.xxx:999 Hurten Way:::http://www.megconsult.com:0 Well, first see if it's a good line or not with $count = tr/:/:/; And see if you have to worry or not. If you do, try a @parts = split(/:/, $_); and parsing down each @part and perhaps reconstructing based on homebrew metrics. Past that, try Hans' idea and hope. :-) David