On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 13:43:20 -0700 (MST) Herlinda Huerta wrote: > Just moved down to PHX from American Falls, > Idaho. I was a member of the > American Falls/Rockland Linux User Group based > in Rockland, Idaho > (population 68 on weekdays), and was wondering > what steps I need to take > to officially join the Phoenix User Group. > > + David "PHX1" Huerta > + ARLUG Webmaster > + http://arlug.dcdi.net I think you have the idea by now but I thought I would "officially" state the membership policy. - Phoenix Linux User Group is a purely volunteer organization. - There is a steering committee which means they are the people who have to do the talking if there is no one else talking. - There are no dues to pay. - There are no forms to fill out. - There are email lists to participate in. - There is a group web site. plug.phoenix.az.us - There is a Linux Training meeting the first Wednesday of the month at Sequoia School on the east side. - There is a general meeting at Sequoia School on the east side the second Thursday of every month. - There is a general meeting at Glendale Community College on the west side the 4th Tuesday of every month. - There is a developer (people interested in programming) meeting the first Monday of every-other month at Adtron just south of the airport. - There is the Linux Stammtisch every 3rd Tuesday of the month at Bandersnatch Brew Pub in Tempe. - We have Install Fests once in a while when ambitious volunteers put one together. We've had two this year! - One of the members also has an IRC server with a channel for PLUG. (I don't remember the address off hand.) Just show up at participate in the venue(s) of your choice and you are a member. If you want to do something for the group, speak up and get started. Glad to have you here! Alan